the best beginners guide to starting a fitness routine (2024)

The Best Beginners Guide To Starting A Fitness Routine (2024)

Hey there, friend! I hear you are looking to start a fitness routine. I’m so excited you’re here. Let’s kick off your journey to a happier, healthier you! If you are just getting started, check out my blog post “Start Here! The Ultimate Guide to Wellness and Exercise”.

Okay, let’s get real for a sec. Starting a fitness routine can feel overwhelming, right? Trust me, I’ve been there! But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be. I’m here to spill all the tea on how to get moving, stay motivated, and actually enjoy the process!

Did you know that a whopping 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February? Yikes! But don’t let that scare you off. We’re not about that “New Year, New Me” pressure here. This is about creating lasting changes that fit into your life, not turning it upside down.

Whether you want to boost your energy to keep up with your packed schedule, or just feel more confident in your own skin, I’ve got your back. We’re in this together, and I promise it’ll be worth it. Your future self is already doing a happy dance!

Are you ready?? Let’s dive into the world of workouts, veggie-powered nutrition, and finding your fitness groove. Ready to make 2024 your year? Let’s do this!

Set Clear, Achievable Fitness Goals

Alright, goal-setter baddie, let’s talk about nailing those fitness objectives!

First things first: we’re gonna get SMART. No, I’m not calling you dumb (as if!). SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. It’s like the GPS for your fitness journey – keeping you on track and heading in the right direction.

Short-term goals are your quick wins. They’re the “I did 10 push-ups without collapsing!” moments that keep you pumped. Long-term goals? They’re your big-picture dreams, like running a 5K or mastering that tricky yoga pose.

Here are some ideas for achievable goals:

  • Do a 30-minute workout 3 times a week for the next month
  • Hold a plank for 60 seconds by the end of the quarter
  • Try 5 new protein sources in your post-workout meals this month

Remember, tracking your progress is key. It’s like a trail of breadcrumbs of success along your path. Use a fitness app, a journal, or even snap some progress pics. Whatever works for you!

The most important thing? Be kind to yourself. This isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. Every step forward is a win, no matter how small. You’ve got this!

Assess Your Current Fitness Level

Are you ready for a little self-discovery mission? Don’t worry, we’re not breaking out the gym equipment just yet.

Let’s start with some simple at-home tests:

  1. How many push-ups can you do before your arms turn to jelly?
  2. Hold a wall sit until your legs start shaking (it’s weirdly fun, I promise!)
  3. See how long you can balance on one foot without wobbling (yoga tree pose, anyone?)

These little tests aren’t about judging yourself. They’re just giving us a starting point. It’s like taking a “before” selfie, but for your fitness level.

Understanding your body composition is super helpful too. But let’s be real – those body fat percentage scales are more confusing than helpful. Instead, focus on how your clothes fit and how you feel. That’s the real gauge of progress.

Oh, and a quick PSA: if you have any health concerns or it’s been a hot minute since you’ve exercised, chat with your doctor before diving in. Better safe than sorry, right?

Remember, we all start somewhere. Whether you’re a total newbie or coming back after a break, knowing where you’re at is the first step to crushing your goals. You’re already ahead of the game just by being here!

fitness workout equipment

Choose the Right Types of Exercise

Alright, it’s time to find your perfect workout match! Think of it like dating, but way less awkward and with more sweat involved.

Let’s break it down:

  • Cardio: This is your heart-pumping, endorphin-rushing goodness. It’s great for burning calories and boosting your mood. Think dancing, power walking, or going for a bike ride.
  • Strength Training: Don’t freak out! We’re not talking about turning into a bodybuilder overnight. This is about building lean muscle, and boosting your metabolism. Start with bodyweight exercises or light dumbbells.
  • Flexibility: Have you tried to touch your toes and felt like your hamstrings were made of concrete? That’s where flexibility work comes in. Yoga and stretching help keep you from feeling stiff and prevent injuries.

The secret sauce? Mix it up! A balanced routine keeps things interesting and works your body in different ways. Here’s a beginner-friendly idea:

  • Monday: 30-minute brisk walk
  • Wednesday: 20-minute strength workout (squats, push-ups, lunges)
  • Friday: 30-minute yoga session
  • Weekend: Fun activity like hiking or swimming

Remember, the best workout is the one you’ll actually do. If you hate running, don’t force yourself onto a treadmill. Love dancing? Zumba might be your jam. There are so many different types of workouts, get out there and find what makes you excited to move!

Create a Balanced Workout Plan

Now that we have the basics, let’s put that all together and make an achievable workout plan.

First up, let’s spread the love across your week. Aim for a mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility work. It’s like creating the perfect playlist – you want a little bit of everything to keep it interesting.

Rest days? The most essential days in your workout plan! Your body needs time to recover and rebuild. Plus, it gives you a chance to binge-watch that new series guilt-free. Win-win! If you are wanting to do some light movement, work in some gentle stretching on your rest day!

Here’s a sample weekly schedule to get you started:

  • Monday: 30-minute cardio (dance workout or brisk walk)
  • Tuesday: 20-minute strength training (focus on legs and core)
  • Wednesday: Rest day
  • Thursday: 30-minute yoga or Pilates
  • Friday: 20-minute strength training (upper body and abs)
  • Saturday: Fun outdoor activity (hike, bike ride, or swim)
  • Sunday: Rest day

If are looking for a printable version, don’t worry I got you! Grab this super cute and workout plan download.

As you get stronger, gradually increase your workout time or intensity. Maybe add an extra rep to your strength routine or pick up the pace on your walks. Listen to your body – it’ll let you know when it’s ready for more.

Remember, this plan is a guideline, not a straitjacket. Life happens, and that’s okay! The goal is consistency, not perfection. If you miss a day, no biggie. Just jump back in when you can. You’re in this for the long haul, so be flexible!

Essential Equipment for Beginners

Now for the fun stuff! Here are my recommendations for equipment to get you started. We are keeping this budget-friendly. The best part, it’s all on Amazon!

Must-haves to kick off your fitness journey:

  1. A good pair of sneakers
    • I have been wearing Brooks since 2014 and they are by far the best walking shoes. Grab my favorite pair here.
  2. Comfy workout clothes
    • This sports bra is my favorite with full-coverage and medium support. Get yours here.
    • I have been obsessed with these Lululemon dupe leggings for years, they are comfy and great for working out! Get a pair here.
  3. A good water bottle, this one from Simple Modern is perfect!
  4. A yoga mat, I linked this one, it’s 1/2 inch thick and comfy!

Now, before you go all “but I need fancy machines to get fit!”, let me stop you right there.

Your body is an amazing piece of equipment all on its own! Bodyweight exercises like squats, push-ups, and planks can give you a killer workout without spending a dime.

If you do want to invest in some gear, I suggest starting small with these recommendations.

As for workout clothes, comfort is best. Just make sure you can move freely and feel confident. That ratty old t-shirt? Those leggings you’ve had for years? Anything that is comfy and makes you feel good is gym wear!

Remember, as you progress in your fitness journey, you might want to invest in more specialized gear. But for now? Keep it simple, comfy, and fun. The most important thing is that you’re moving, not what you’re wearing while you do it!

Nutrition Basics for Supporting Your Fitness Routine

healthy vegetarian food

As a vegetarian it was hard in the beginning of my fitness journey, nutrition was hard to figure out. So now, I’ve got you covered! Let’s make sure you are eating the right nutrients to crush your fitness goals!

  • Protein: Your muscles’ best friend. Load up on beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, and quinoa. Greek yogurt and eggs are great too if you eat them.
  • Complex Carbs: Your body’s preferred energy source. Think whole grains, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal.
  • Healthy Fats: Essential for hormone balance and feeling satisfied. Avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil are your go-tos.

Pre-workout snack ideas:

  • Apple slices with nut butter
  • Greek yogurt with berries, granola with a drizzle of honey (or agave)
  • Whole grain toast with mashed avocado

Post-workout refuel:

  • Smoothie with plant-based protein powder, banana, nut butter, and spinach
  • Hummus with veggie sticks and whole-grain pita
  • Quinoa bowl with roasted veggies and tofu

And let’s not forget about hydration! Water is your bestie. Aim for at least 8 glasses a day, more if you’re sweating it out. If plain water bores you, jazz it up with some lemon slices, cucumber, or fresh mint.

Remember, eating well doesn’t mean depriving yourself. It’s all about balance. Craving your favorite pizza? Go for it! Just pair it with some veggies on the side and listen to your body’s hunger cues. You’re nourishing your body, not punishing it. Eat well, feel great, and crush those workouts!

If you are looking for a more detailed guide, hop over here, I detailed out everything for you!

Staying Motivated and Consistent

Let’s face it: some days, your couch has a magnetic pull that’s hard to resist. But I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve to keep you moving!

Firstly: rewards! Set up a system that makes you feel like a rockstar for hitting your goals. Maybe it’s a bubble bath after a tough workout or a new workout playlist for every week you stick to your routine. Choose something that gets you excited!

Finding a workout buddy is so important on this journey! Look for someone who’s on a similar journey. You’ll motivate each other, share recipes, and maybe even turn gym time into social hour. Win-win!

Also integrate some tech! There are tons of apps that can track your progress, remind you to work out, and even guide you through exercises. It’s like having a pocket-sized personal trainer! If you want a more some suggestions, check out this post.

Now, let’s talk about the tough days. They happen to everyone, I promise. Here’s how to push through:

  1. Remember your ‘why’. Why did you start this journey? Keep that front and center.
  2. Start small. Can’t face a full workout? Do a quick 10 minutes. Something is always better than nothing.
  3. Mix it up. Bored with your routine? Try a new class or workout video. Variety is key!
  4. Celebrate small wins. Did more reps than last time? Walked for 10 minutes longer than usual? Celebrate!

Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Progress isn’t linear. Some weeks you’ll feel like a fitness goddess, others you might struggle to get off the couch. That’s totally normal! The key is to keep coming back, no matter what. Once you make working out a part of your routine, you will be unstoppable!

Listening to Your Body and Avoiding Injuries

Let me be real for a second. Working out should challenge you, but it shouldn’t be painful. Let’s talk about staying safe while you’re working out!

First up: good pain vs. bad pain. A little muscle soreness after a workout? Totally normal. Sharp, stabbing, or persistent pain? That’s your body waving a red flag. Listen to it!

Warming up isn’t just for athletes. Take 5-10 minutes to get your body moving before diving into your workout. A brisk walk, some dynamic stretches, or a quick dance party in your living room all work. Your muscles will thank you!

Cool-downs are just as important. Try not to sit down right after you finish a workout. Take a few minutes to stretch and let your heart rate come down gradually. It’s like giving your body a little “thank you” for working hard.

Common mistakes to avoid:

  • Doing too much, too soon
  • Skipping rest days
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Comparing yourself to others

If something doesn’t feel right, modify it! There’s no shame in taking a break, reducing the weight, or trying an alternative exercise. Listening to your body’s needs isn’t a weakness.

And here’s a pro tip: foam rollers are amazing for working out those post-workout kinks. It might feel a little weird at first, but trust me, your muscles will love you for it.

Remember, the goal is to make fitness a lifelong habit. That means taking care of your body for the long haul. Be patient, be kind to yourself, and celebrate every step forward. You’re doing amazing things for your health, and that’s something to be proud of!

gym equipment working out


Whew! We’ve covered a lot of ground, haven’t we? But here’s the most important thing to remember: you’re at the start of an amazing journey. Your body is capable of incredible things, and you’re about to discover how strong you are!

Starting a fitness routine isn’t about becoming a different person. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself. It’s about proving to yourself that you can do hard things.

Will there be challenges? Absolutely. There will be days when your alarm feels like your worst enemy and days when you’d rather eat your yoga mat than exercise on it. But there will also be days when you surprise yourself!

As you embark on this fitness journey, be patient and kind to yourself. And most importantly, have fun! Try new things, dance like nobody’s watching, or laugh at yourself when you mess up that new yoga pose. Fitness should add joy to your life, not stress.

So, are you ready to make this year, your year? To feel strong, confident, and amazing in your own skin? Because I know you’ve got this. Now lace up those sneakers, roll out that yoga mat, or hit the park for a walk. Your fitness adventure starts now, and I can’t wait to see where it takes you!

Remember, I’m rooting for you every step of the way. Now go out there and show the world what you’re made of!

Thank you for hanging out with me! If you want more tips, subscribe to my weekly newsletter. I’ll see you next time!

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