Start here! the ultimate guide to wellness and exercise

Start Here! The Ultimate Guide to Wellness and Exercise

Hey there! I’m so excited you’re here. Let’s talk about something that’s near and dear to me, physical wellness and exercise. Did you know working out regularly can add up to 7 years to your life? That’s impressive!

I’ve been on my fitness journey over the last few years. It was overwhelming at first. There was so much conflicting information out there. Should I do cardio or lift weights? What should I eat? How often should I work out? Sound familiar?

Well, I’ve been through it all, and now I’m here to share everything I’ve learned with you. This guide isn’t just about looking good. It’s about feeling amazing, inside and out.

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking to level up your routine, I’ve got you covered. We’ll explore everything from basic workouts to nutrition tips, and even dive into the science behind why exercise makes us feel good.

So, grab your water bottle and let’s get started! Trust me, future you is going to be so happy you took this step. Ready to transform your body and mind? Let’s do this!

Understanding Physical Wellness: More Than Just Exercise

Physical wellness isn’t just about sweating it out at the gym. It’s a whole package deal! I always assumed exercising was just to lose weight. I was wrong. Physical wellness is so much more than that.

Physical wellness is about feeling great in your own skin. It’s how your body feels, how much energy you have, and how well you can tackle your day-to-day life. It’s not just exercise – it’s also about what you eat, how well you sleep, and how you handle stress.

The cool thing is, when you focus on physical wellness, everything else seems to fall into place. Your mood improves, you have more energy, and other areas of your life improve. It’s like a domino effect of awesomeness!

The Science Behind Exercise: Why Your Body Loves To Move

Okay, let me give you some science facts. Don’t worry I’ll keep it simple! When you exercise, your body goes into superhero mode. Your heart pumps faster, sending oxygen-rich blood to your muscles. It’s giving your body a power-up!

But here’s the deal – exercise is basically a natural happy pill. It releases chemicals called endorphins that make you feel amazing. Ever heard of “runner’s high”? That’s endorphins doing their thing. Recently, I started weight lifting and can confirm a “runner’s high” is applicable for all workouts.

And get this – regular exercise can actually make your brain work better. It helps you focus, improves your memory, and can even help prevent cognitive decline. So basically, working out makes you smarter. How cool is that?

Building Your Fitness Foundation: The Must-Do Exercises

Now, let’s talk about the building blocks of a killer workout routine. Don’t worry, you don’t need to spend hours in the gym to see results.

First up, cardio. This is anything that gets your heart pumping. Dancing in your living room? Yep, that counts. Taking a brisk walk with your dog? Absolutely! I like to call my mom or a friend and go on a walk to chat, it’s an easy way to get your cardio in.

Next, weight training. I know, you might be thinking “But I don’t want to bulk up!” Trust me, that’s not going to happen unless you really try. Strength training is amazing for toning your body and boosting your metabolism. I recommend starting off with lighter weight, and working to a heavier weight!

Don’t forget about flexibility and mobility. Stretching might not be the most exciting part of a workout, but it’s super important. It helps prevent injuries and keeps your body feeling good. Even 10 minutes a day is so beneficial, especially in the long run!

Lastly, balance and stability exercises. These are great for improving your coordination and preventing falls. Plus, they can be pretty fun. Ever tried standing on one foot while brushing your teeth? Give it a shot!

If you want a more detailed guide on how to start a fitness routine, check out this blog that dives deeper in!

person exercising on the treadmill

Creating Your Perfect Workout Plan: Making Exercise Work for You

Alright, now it’s time to put it all together. Creating a workout plan might sound daunting, but I promise it’s not rocket science.

First, be honest with yourself about your current fitness level. If the last time you worked out was running to catch the ice cream truck as a kid, that’s okay! We all start somewhere.

The key is to start small and gradually increase the difficulty. Maybe you start with a 10-minute walk three times a week. Then you increase to 15 minutes, then 20. Before you know it, you’re running 5Ks!

Here’s a sample beginner workout plan to get you started:

  • Monday: 20-minute walk
  • Wednesday: 15-minute strength training (bodyweight exercises like squats and push-ups)
  • Friday: 20-minute yoga session (YouTube has so many great options!)
  • Saturday: 30-minute bike ride or dance session

Remember, the best workout plan is one you’ll actually stick to. So find activities you enjoy!

Eating for Wellness: Fueling Your Body Right

Remember, food is fuel. It’s not the enemy. Treat your body with kindness and give it the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Okay, let’s talk food! Nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need to count every calorie or cut out entire food groups.

The basics? Eat lots of fruits and veggies, choose whole grains over processed ones, get enough protein, and don’t forget healthy fats. And please, please, please, stay hydrated! Water is your best friend. I suggest getting a water bottle you actually like so you’re encouraged to keep drinking!

Before a workout, try to eat something light that combines carbs and protein. Carbs give your body the energy it needs to fuel your workout! A banana with peanut butter is my go-to. After your workout, focus on protein to help your muscles recover. As a vegetarian, it’s hard to get protein in. I love to make a smoothie filled with protein powder, almond milk, flaxseed, peanut butter, and a banana right after a workout for recovery! (see mine below)

protein smoother

Remember, food is fuel. It’s not the enemy. Treat your body with kindness and give it the nutrients it needs to thrive. Food is so important to our overall health!

Rest and Recovery: The Unsung Heroes of Wellness

Here’s something I wish someone had told me when I first started working out consistently. Rest days are just as important as workout days. Seriously.

When you exercise, you’re actually creating tiny tears in your muscles. It’s during rest that your body repairs these tears, making your muscles stronger. So if you’re not resting, you’re not getting stronger!

Sleep is crucial too. Aim for 7-9 hours a night. I know, I know, easier said than done. But trust me, it makes a huge difference. Even professional athletes like LeBron James talk about how important sleep is for your health! This this out by starting a bedtime routine to help you unwind from the day.

And don’t forget about managing stress. High-stress levels can undo all your hard work. Find something that helps you relax and unwind. Maybe it’s meditation, reading, or binge-watching your favorite show!

Yoga Mat health

Staying Motivated: Keeping Up Your Fitness Goals

Let’s be real – motivation isn’t always easy to come by. There will be days when your bed feels extra comfy and the gym feels miles away. So, basically every day for me!

On those days, remember why you started. Maybe you want to have more energy to play with your dog. Maybe you want to feel confident in your favorite outfit. Whatever your reason, hold onto it. This is your motivation for your daily movement!

Building healthy habits is key. Start small – maybe it’s just putting on your workout clothes every morning. Eventually, it’ll become second nature. Once this is a part of your daily routine, you’ll be unstoppable!

And don’t underestimate the power of community. Find a workout buddy or join a fitness class. Having people keep you accountable is important!

Remember, progress isn’t linear. There will be ups and downs, and that’s totally normal. The important thing is to keep going. You’ve got this! Here’s to a healthier and happier you!

Taking It to the Next Level: Advanced Fitness Tips

Now that you’ve nailed the basics let’s kick things up a notch. Here are some advanced tips that’ll have you feeling like a total pro.

Ready for an intense sweat?

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is like the espresso shot of workouts. It’s quick, intense, and packs a serious punch. Here’s the deal: you go all-out for a short burst, then take a quick breather, and repeat. It might sound tough (and it is!), but the results are so worth it.

Why is HIIT so great? It burns calories, boosts your metabolism, and improves your cardiovascular fitness – all in less time than a traditional workout. Plus, you keep burning calories even after you’re done. Talk about efficiency!

A simple HIIT workout might look like this: 30 seconds of burpees, 30 seconds of rest. Repeat with different exercises for 15-20 minutes. If you are looking for workouts to try, look on YouTube, there are so many options! Trust me, it’ll fly by and you’ll feel that amazing serotonin boost!

Let’s amp it up!

Try planning your workouts in 4-6 week blocks. For each block, increase the weight, reps, or time slightly. It’s like leveling up in a video game – each level gets a little harder, but you get stronger too. Keep a journal or a note on your phone to help keep track of your plan!

And don’t forget to switch things up! Maybe one block focuses on strength, the next on endurance. Your body loves a challenge, so keep it guessing.

Yoga, the ultimate mind-body exercise.

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. “Isn’t yoga just stretching?” I’ve gotten this wrong before. Yoga can be an intense workout that challenges your strength, flexibility, and mental focus all at once.

Adding yoga to your routine can help improve your flexibility (goodbye, tight muscles!), build core strength, and even reduce stress. Plus, the mindfulness aspect can help you stay more focused during your other workouts.

Try adding a yoga session once a week. You might be surprised at how much it complements your other workouts!

Try a new workout!

Variety is the spice of life, right? The same goes for fitness. Trying new workouts keeps things fun and challenges your body in new ways.

Ever tried a dance class? How about rock climbing? Or maybe martial arts? Each new activity works your muscles differently and can improve skills like balance, coordination, and agility.

Plus, trying new things keeps you excited about fitness. It’s hard to get bored when you’re always learning something new!

exercise bike

Tech and Fitness: Using Gadgets to Crush Your Goals

We all love tech, right? What if we used tech for tracking our workouts or find new workout ideas? How about finding a coach online? Tech can help!

Fitness trackers and apps that can help you stay on track

Fitness trackers are like having a tiny personal trainer on your wrist. They can count your steps, monitor your heart rate, track your sleep, and even remind you to stand up! These can be essential in your health journey.

But the real magic happens when you pair your tracker with a fitness app. One of my favorite tracking apps is MyFitnessPal. This app helps you log food and daily exercise. Another great app is Strava. This app turns your runs and bike rides into fun competitions with friends.

Who doesn’t love to get paid to walk? Sweatcoin rewards you for achieving your daily walking goals! I’ve been loving this app and it adds a level of excitement when I hit my step goal. I love how Sweatcoin works seamlessly alongside my smartwatch to count towards my goal!

I encourage you to try some of these out and find what works for you. Remember, the best app is one that helps you with your health goals!

Can’t make it to the gym?

No problem! The internet is full of amazing workout videos and live classes. Whether you’re into yoga, HIIT, dance, or strength training, there’s an online option for you. I love using YouTube to search for workouts. The convenience of working out in my home is unmatched. All I need is my yoga mat and I am ready to go!

Virtual coaching is another game-changer. You can get personalized workout plans and nutrition advice without ever leaving your living room. It’s like having a personal trainer, but in your phone! Unsure where to start? Look into sites like Fitness Together. They offer a complimentary evaluation to get started!

Let’s talk high-tech home gym equipment.

Smart home gym equipment is pretty cool. I’m talking treadmills with built-in screens, bikes that put you in virtual races, weight systems that count your reps for you. Are they right for you?

  • Pros:
    • Convenience: The biggest perk? You can work out whenever you want, in your PJs if you feel like it!
    • Guided Workouts: Many of these machines come with built-in classes and programs. It’s like having a personal trainer right in your living room!
    • Progress Tracking: These machines often track your workouts, so you can see how you’re improving over time. Nothing beats the motivation of seeing those numbers go up!
    • Immersive Experience: Virtual races on your bike or scenic runs on your treadmill? It beats staring at a wall while you sweat.
    • Integration with Other Tech: Many of these devices sync with your fitness apps or smartwatches. This gives you a complete picture of your health and fitness.
  • Cons:
    • Cost: Let’s be real – this stuff isn’t cheap. Some of these machines cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
    • Space Requirements: If you have a small space finding space for equipment can be tricky.
    • Maintenance: High-tech often means high maintenance. These machines can break down, and repairs can be costly and complicated.
    • Overreliance on Technology: Sometimes, all those features can be distracting. You might spend more time distracted by settings than actually working out.
    • Limited Variety: While many machines offer different workouts, you’re still limited to what that specific piece of equipment can do.
    • Motivation Factor: For some people, the act of going to a gym is motivating. Working out at home might make it easier to quit the workout.
    • Initial Learning Curve: Some of these machines can be complicated to set up and use at first.
My Take:

While this equipment is really cool to use, it’s not needed to have a great workout! If you have the extra money and space, go for it! To start all you need for an at-home workout is a good pair of shoes, a yoga mat, and some resistance bands!

What do I do with all this data?

All those numbers your fitness tracker collects? They’re not just for show. You can use this data to optimize your workouts and reach your goals faster.

Notice your heart rate is always super high during HIIT? Maybe it’s time to work on your cardio endurance. See that you’re not getting enough sleep? That could be affecting your recovery.

The key is to look for patterns and adjust accordingly. Your body is giving you all this information – might as well use it!

Remember, while tech can be super helpful, it’s just a tool. The most important thing is that you’re moving your body and having fun. So whether you’re all about the latest gadgets or prefer to keep it old school, what matters is that you’re showing up for yourself. Now go crush those goals!


Wow, we’ve covered a lot! I hope you’re feeling as pumped as I am about your fitness journey. Remember, this isn’t about becoming a totally different person. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself.

Starting a new fitness routine might seem tough at first, but I promise it gets easier. And the benefits? They’re so worth it. More energy, better mood, stronger body – the list goes on.

So here’s my challenge to you: pick one small thing from this guide and try it today. Maybe it’s a new exercise or just going to bed a little earlier. Small steps lead to big changes.

You’ve got this, and I’m rooting for you all the way. Here’s to a healthier, happier you in 2024 and beyond. Now, let’s get moving!

Thank you for hanging out with me! If you want more tips, subscribe to my weekly newsletter. I’ll see you next time!

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